Mosquitoes and Midges

The Buzzing Threat: The Severe Consequences of Mosquitoes and Midges

Mosquitoes and midges are more than just a nuisance with their incessant buzzing and itchy bites. Mosquitoes, in particular, are known carriers of dangerous diseases such as Zika virus, West Nile virus, malaria, and dengue fever, posing a significant health risk. Midges, while generally not disease carriers, can cause severe irritation and allergic reactions with their bites. In outdoor areas, especially during warmer months, these pests can diminish the enjoyment of your space, affecting quality of life and outdoor activities.


A female mosquito can lay 100-300 eggs every few days during her lifespan, and in Kenya's climate, these can hatch rapidly, increasing disease risk.

A Persistent Problem: Understanding Mosquitoes and Midges

Mosquitoes and midges thrive in areas with standing water and high humidity, which are ideal for their breeding. They are most active during dawn and dusk, making outdoor activities unpleasant during these times. Due to their small size and flying capability, they can be challenging to control without professional intervention. Their breeding cycle is fast, meaning populations can explode in a short time.

Spotting the Swarm: Identifying Mosquitoes and Midges Infestations

How to Identify the Pest: Key signs of mosquitoes and midges include:

  • Increased Bites: Frequent mosquito or midge bites, especially during outdoor activities.
  • Swarming Insects: Visible swarms near standing water or damp areas.
  • Breeding Sites: Presence of standing water, which is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Early detection can help mitigate the severity of an infestation.

Beyond Bug Spray: Professional Mosquitoes and Midges Control

DIY methods such as repellents and bug zappers can be ineffective in controlling large populations of mosquitoes and midges. FarajaPest offers a more strategic approach:

  • Breeding Site Reduction: Identifying and eliminating potential breeding grounds.
  • Targeted Treatments: Safe and effective solutions to reduce mosquito and midge populations.
  • Long-Term Management Plans: Ongoing strategies to keep these pests at bay.

Our expertise in mosquito and midge control ensures not just temporary relief but a sustainable solution to these pervasive pests.

Keeping the Buzz at Bay: Preventing Future Infestations

Maintaining a mosquito and midge-free environment involves:

  • Eliminate Standing Water: Regularly empty water from flowerpots, gutters, buckets, and bird baths.
  • Landscaping Management: Keep your yard well-trimmed and reduce foliage where mosquitoes and midges may rest.
  • Use Screens: Install screens on windows and doors to prevent entry into your home.
  • Professional Monitoring: Regular check-ups from pest control experts can help keep populations under control.

Implementing these steps can greatly reduce the likelihood of a mosquito and midge resurgence.

Your Comfort, Our Commitment

At Faraja Pest, we're committed to protecting your comfort and peace of mind by expertly handling bed bug issues.