
Silent Slitherers: The Risk of Snakes

Snakes, while often beneficial for controlling other pest populations, can pose significant risks when they encroach on human habitats. Venomous species can be a serious health threat, and even non-venomous snakes can cause alarm and distress.


Encounters with venomous snakes can result in serious injuries or fatalities, making effective snake management crucial.

Unwanted Encounters: Understanding Snake Incursions

Snakes may enter homes or businesses in search of food or shelter, particularly into basements, garages, and wall cavities. Their presence is often indicative of larger issues, such as rodent infestations or overgrown vegetation.

Detecting Hidden Dangers: Signs of Snake Presence

How to Identify the Pest: Signs of snakes include:

  • Shed Skins: Finding shed snake skins around your property is a clear indicator of snake activity.
  • Tracks: Snake trails in dusty or sandy areas, often visible as sinuous lines.
  • Sightings: Actual sightings of snakes slithering through your property.

Recognizing these signs can help in identifying and addressing snake problems early.

Safe and Humane Snake Control

Managing snake populations involves non-lethal methods and promoting natural barriers.

  • Exclusion Methods: Sealing gaps and holes in foundations, walls, and around doors to prevent snakes from entering buildings.
  • Habitat Modification: Keeping grass short, removing debris, and reducing clutter that can attract snakes by providing hiding spots.
  • Professional Removal: Using trained professionals to safely capture and relocate snakes, especially when dealing with potentially venomous species.

FarajaPest utilizes humane and effective strategies to manage snakes, ensuring safety for both the snakes and the residents of the properties we service.

Preventing Snake Incursions: Proactive Measures

To prevent snakes from entering your property, implement the following strategies:

  • Regular Maintenance: Maintain a clean and tidy yard, regularly checking for and sealing off potential entry points.
  • Natural Repellents: Employ natural repellents such as marigold plants or garlic sprays that deter snakes.
  • Control Food Sources: Manage rodent populations, as they are a primary food source for many snake species.

By maintaining these preventative practices, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of snake presence on your property.

Your Comfort, Our Commitment

At Faraja Pest, we're committed to protecting your comfort and peace of mind by expertly handling bed bug issues.